Our history

Our history
from the very beggining of the project to the release of the industrial version

From the student project to the smile of a child playing with Leka, there was a long journey! Leka is a “and why not?” that has found a way to become a reality. Let us tell you all about it!

Birth of the idea

During their engineering studies, Ladislas and Marine imagine a spherical object for ASD children. The feedback on the project is extremely positive, so much so that they finally decided to develop it for real! 


Creation of Leka SAS

After a two-year marathon of pitches, meetings and innovation competitions, the project is finally named Leka and officially becomes a company. Marine and Ladislas join forces to found Leka SAS.


US trip and full throttle program

Leka joins the Techstars program in the United States, in Kensas City. During these 3 months of incubation and advice from specialists, the first application is developed on iPad.


Alpha Programme

Launch of the Alpha program: last prototype before industrialisation of the product. 
Leka is tested in several institutions in France and within families. 


Leka becomes part of APF France handicap

With this acquisition, APF France handicap strengthens its contribution to the democratisation of digital uses. The association is firmly committed to supporting players who contribute to improving the daily lives of people with disabilities and their families through e-health.

“Leka and APF France handicap share the same philosophy: to give the “power to act” to people with disabilities. Our shared ambition is to see Leka adopted by as many people as possible. Together, the teams will continue to develop and update the product with the aim of offering the best experience to children.” declared Prosper Teboul, General Manager of APF France handicap.


Start of the industrialisation phase

The Leka team, accompanied by the APF Entreprises Alsace teams and four design offices, relaunches the product industrialisation process.


Commercial launch of the product

Release of the industrial version of Leka, 100% manufactured in France by APF Entreprises Alsace, one of APF's adapted companies, located in Illkirch-Graffenstaden near Strasbourg.

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1 year ago

Nice Work 🙂

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